Saturday, November 27, 2010

Learning Meditation

How you can completely relax through meditation?

In the hectic lifestyle people live in today, you have to consider that this kind of lifestyle is bad for your health. Recent studies have found that stress contributes to heart diseases and high blood pressure. You have to consider that because of the help of stressful lifestyle that people live in today, stroke and heart diseases have been considered as one of the deadliest diseases plaguing today's society.

This is why you should learn how to relax and take care of your body. You need to consider that your body needs rest from time to time. It cannot handle too much work for too long. If your body is yelling out that you have had enough work and is saying that it is tired, it probably is. With 5 minutes of relaxation, you can revitalize your body and get it ready for another batch of work.

Although exercising can also help in preventing heart diseases, you have to consider that it is just not enough. You also need rest and relaxation. Besides, if you are stressed out, you won't be able to work at your peak efficiency. Your brain function is also overwhelmed by stress and you will not be able to think clearly if you are overstressed. This is why you need to relax. Besides, what's the point of working if your brain and body don’t function well-enough?

Today, one of the most helpful ways to relax is through meditation. Although meditation have been practiced thousands of years ago, you have to consider that recent studies have found and has proof that meditation can indeed relieve stress and give you that extra boost of energy you need.

Meditations can completely relax your body and mind and it can also make your brain more alert and make your heart relax. Meditation can completely make you feel refreshed and get you ready for another batch of work. It can also help you block out any distractions that may come across your way.

First of all, there are different kinds of meditations available today. One of the most popular forms of meditation is the Buddhist meditation. You have to consider that Buddhist meditation offers great forms of relaxation. This particular meditation only requires you to go into a locked quiet room. Inside the room you will begin meditation by sitting down, closing your eyes and get rid of all the thoughts running inside your head. Do this for a few minutes and you will be able to get back up with your mind and body feeling refreshed.

Although the so-called "power naps" can also offer this kind of feeling, you have to consider that meditation is more effective than a five-minute nap.

Meditation was first taught as part of a religious practice in the Buddhist religion. However today, meditation is now accepted as part of the western culture and many people, particularly busy people, are now practicing meditation in order to get their mind and body to relax. If you want to learn how to meditate, there are schools available that teaches you how to meditate properly. You will also learn the different kinds of meditation.

On advanced levels, some schools can even teach you how to meditate while you are working.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Insomnia Remedies

Natural ways of treating insomniainsomnia
Insomnia is a low mortality and high morbidity disease characterized by decreased ability to initiate or maintain sleep. It can be caused by a variety of factors, but in this article I would like to discuss the natural was of treating insomnia as against the use of sleeping pills which I intend to disapprove.
Sleeping pills may be an easy way to cure insomnia but only in the short term and for transient types of insomnia. They lead to various side effects which decrease their utility in the long run. They lead to increased day time sleepiness (narcolepsy), sort of a hang over, also have properties of drug tolerance, drug dependence, eventually leading to withdrawal episodes.
Those we would now discuss the natural ways of treating insomnia:

1)      Diet modifications: in today’s medical literature, almost all the diseases have been found to have an association with diet. Hence the tried and tested formula of low calorie, high fiber diet appears here also. Try to have a healthy diet, not only for this disease but also for your general health. Addition of red meat and vegetables rich in magnesium would also help.

2)      Relaxed sleeping atmosphere: make sure that your surroundings stay quiet, low light conditions and a relaxed state of mind is very important for optimal sleep. If surroundings noise level is outside your control, go in for a set of ear plugs. For relaxed state of mind, do not watch television, play games just before sleeping

3)      Decreased caffeine in your life: caffeine is a brain stimulate present in coffee, tea, cola drinks. Avoid these as much as possible because these are partly responsible for the general sleeplessness. Another agent you need to look out for is alcohol. It is also responsible for insomnia in certain people.

4)      Maintain a regular schedule f sleep: this is perhaps the most important part of the whole discourse. A regular schedule of sleep, for example, 8 hours sleep at night no sleeping during the day should be strictly enforced for the whole lifestyle modification to take effect. It ensures that your circadian rhythm (the biological time keeping mechanism of your body) stays right.

5)      Exercise: a little bit of exercise during the dy ensures that you are tired enough to go to sleep the moment you lie down. Apart from this exercise is usually required at all ages to ensure weight control.

6)      Yoga and meditation: This field of unexplored potential. It is not known how yoga helps in maintaining proper functioning of body but it is a great way to dispel insomnia and for that matter any chronic non organic disease. Meditation is self explanatory as it helps to relax the mind before sleeping.  

Those as we can see clearly with this many ways to counter insomnia sleeping pills should be seen as only a supplementary therapy, rather than a cure in itself..
hope you like it... thank youCool

Friday, November 19, 2010

Controlling Asthma Condition

Breathing Exercises Should Be One of Your Tools in Completely Controlling Your Asthma Condition

Until recently, western medical research has been inconclusive in determining whether or not there is real benefit for an asthmatic to conduct breathing exercises as part of an overall asthma management program. These exercises have certainly been popular in many alternative type asthma management programs but have not yet been embraced by allopathic, or traditional western physicians.

But they are beneficial and will help an asthma sufferer reduce symptoms and increase strength.

The two most often practiced techniques are Buteyko (named after the Russian doctor who developed them) and a yoga training technique known as pranayama. In very simple terms, Buteyko exercises involve breathing through the nose (not mouth), exhaling for as long as possible and then holding the breath as long as possible at the end of the exhale. During the inhale, a series of short, but shallow breaths are practiced. Pranayama is about correct posture, relaxation and controlled, slow inhalation and exhalation, with a focus on using the diaphragm muscles to assist with breathing.

While breathing techniques have long been supported by naturopathic physicians, it is only in the last several years that the allopathic medical community (traditional doctors) has moved to try and quantify any potential benefit from these exercises. One study, published in the March 2004 edition of ?Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine? concluded there might be some benefit, although more study was required.

In several patient groups (some using buteyko training and others using pranayana), there did appear to be reduced asthma symptoms although lung function did not appreciably change (as measured by PEFR). Nevertheless, patients felt better and did experience a reduction in need for relief medications.

How do breathing exercises help asthmatics

Since asthma is related to inflammation of the lungs and constriction of the smooth involuntary bronchiole muscles, how can doing breathing exercises help alleviate symptoms?

For starters, it is estimated that some 30% of asthmatics suffer some degree of breathing dysfunction. Bad habits are easily learned when suffering from asthma symptoms and it is not uncommon for those habits to continue in between attacks ? breathing through the mouth and short, shallow breaths for example.

This type of breathing deprives the lungs of their full potential to effectively exchange oxygen with carbon dioxide. Breathing exercises enforce good habits where the full range of lung function is used. Consequently, the body gets the oxygen it needs and the chronic asthmatic feels better, with more energy.

And not only will it make the breathing process more efficient, there is evidence that breathing muscles (diaphragm and lung muscles) are strengthened. So even if breath training doesn?t directly improve lung function, eliminating bad habits will improve overall health and quality of life. And this new energy level is important in getting stronger and finding the motivation to attack asthma with a total management plan that results in symptoms being completely controlled ? with very little, if any need for medications.

In addition to increased energy levels and stronger lung muscles, there is another benefit to breathing exercises ?even if it doesn?t directly result in increased lung function. And that is when actually enduring an asthma attack.

Anyone who has asthma knows what it is like to struggle for breath. You can?t get enough air into your lungs and just as agonizing, you can?t seem to get any air out. Asthmatics who practice correct breathing exercises are much more likely to be able to endure, in a controlled manner, an asthma attack than those that don?t.

Of course that is not to say that controlled breathing replaces relief medication ? it most certainly doesn?t. But it does contribute, in a real way, to stabilizing the attack because the asthmatic can fight the temptation to start breathing in an uncontrolled manner. Indeed, biofeedback, a technique in which patients are trained to basically will themselves to breath more efficiently, seems to be getting more and more traction.

Controlling asthma cannot be achieved by only using one tool. Multiple tools should be used ? in addition to the control and relief medications prescribed by your physician. Diet, exercise, trigger controls are all essential components; and so is a good and consistent program of breathing exercises. Using all of these tools will allow an asthmatic to completely control her disease and enjoy a symptom free lifestyle.

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