Have you made up your mind to quit smoking? You know you want to quit, but you just can't figure out how. Every day you get out of bed hacking your head off, coughing until you can barely breathe, and you say to yourself, I have got to quit. The next thing you know you're lighting up again and wondering why is it so difficult to quit. If you are finally ready to give it everything you've got to quit smoking, then read on. The first thing you want to do is keep a journal for a few days of every time you light up. What time is it, what were you doing when you decided to light up, and what made you want the cigarette? Next, go over your journal to figure out why you light up each time. Do you absolutely feel the need to have a cigarette with your morning coffee? What is it that makes you feel good when have the cigarette with your coffee? Is it just a habit because you've done it for so long, or do you really enjoy that morning cigarette? Do you find yourself lighting up after each meal? Is it just a habit, or does it really top off your dinner? Is there something besides a cigarette that you could replace it with after each meal? Do you find yourself lighting up whenever you are bored, stressed, on the phone, watching TV, driving or other things that happen every day? Is there something besides a cigarette that could replace the feeling you get from it while doing these activities? These are the questions you need to ask yourself and find out if you really enjoy smoking or if it has just become such a habit to light up at certain times. Take plenty of time to go to your journal and answer these questions. You may find that you don't really want a cigarette and you just need to find something to replace it with. Spend the next few days paying close attention to each time you light a cigarette and then ask yourself, do I really want this right now? If the answer is no, put it away. By taking the time to figure out when and why you smoke, you'll begin to understand your habit. By understanding why you smoke, it will make it easier when you set your quit date to stick with your program. Well Here Is The Tips: A. Reason to Quit! 10 good reasons to quit smoking : 1. It makes you smell bad. Have you ever gone somewhere and had someone take a weird face, like whoa you stink? The smell that smoking leaves on you is very noticeable to non-smokers. 2. It makes you cough. Have you ever woke up in the morning and got into such a coughing jag it felt like you were about to cough up a lung? Wouldn't you love to not have that problem anymore. 3. Smoking causes wrinkles. Do you really want to get more wrinkles and look older than you are sooner than you need to? 4. Smoking makes you sick. Smokers have higher insurance rates due to the fact that they are way more likely to become ill than non-smokers. 5. Smoking costs a lot of money. If you smoke only one pack cigarettes a day at four dollars a pack, you are spending $120 a month, $1440 a year. If he smoked two packs a day that's $2880 a year. What kind of a wonderful vacation do you think you could go on each year if you take that money and put it away instead of wasting it on cigarettes? 6. Smoking makes your lungs go from healthy and pink, to black raisin looking shrunken unhealthy organs. 7. Smoking saps your energy. Each time you light up, you are putting toxins into your body. This makes it harder for you to breathe which makes it harder for you to keep your energy level up. 8. Smoking makes your teeth yellow. Wouldn't you love to have a beautiful white smile? 9. Smoking deadens your taste buds. The more you smoke the less you can taste your food. Wouldn't you like to enjoy your meals again without having to add extra salt or pepper just make it so you can taste it? 10. Smoking makes you look unattractive. No matter what anybody says, having a ring of smoke around your head, does not make you look sexy. Smoking is an unattractive habit B. POSITIVE TIPS Positive tips to help you give up smoking : 1. Make a plan to quit smoking and make a decision what day you will quit and then stick to it. 2. Talk to your doctor about quitting. Have him give you any help or advice he can to get you started by the day you specified. 3. Use deep breathing exercises every time you have the urge to smoke. Spend about five minutes taking in a deep breaths and holding it for a few seconds and then letting it out your mouth. Do this until the urge passes. 4. Write yourself a note naming all the reasons you want to quit. Carry it with you all the time and each time you have the urge to smoke read your list. 5. Start a daily exercise program to help relieve stress. Exercise will also help you recover from years of damage from smoking. 6. Remember that giving up smoking will be one of the most difficult things in your life to do. Give yourself a pat on the back every time you resist the urge. Tell yourself I am a non-smoker, I am strong, I believe in myself and I can do this. 7. Find a friend or family member that will help you and support you all you are working on quitting. Have them be your on call person when you need help that will talk you through it each time it becomes difficult. 8. Visualize yourself as a non-smoker. Close your eyes and imagine yourself saying no to someone when they offer you a cigarette. See yourself throwing your cigarettes away and being rewarded for it. The more vivid to make this visualization the better. 9. Wash your walls, ceilings and floors to get the smell and cigarette stains out of the house. Sit back and enjoy the fresh air. 4. Wash all of your bedding and clothing and fill your closet with some wonderful sachets to make it smell great. Lay on your bed and hug your pillow and smell that wonderful smell. Each time you think about having a cigarette, remember how fresh everything in the house smells and realize you don't want to have that awful smell in your house or on your clothes anymore. 10. Drink a lot of water to flush out the nicotine and chemicals from your body as quickly as possible. 11. Avoid doing things that you found out by writing in your journal make you want to smoke. Find new activities that do not include smoking and start doing them. Work at this every day. Each day it will become a little easier. Just keep thinking about how great you are going to feel when to accomplish this. "You can do it if you just put your mind to it" Okay that's all the way hope you like it. Thank you for Not Smoking. |
Friday, January 8, 2010
Easy Tips to Quit Smoking
Tips and Trick